FREE Loaner Cars

Need to get your car fixed but can’t be without a vehicle? We’ll take care of you with a FREE loaner car on qualifying repairs at Tommy’s European Auto Repair. Fixing your car shouldn’t be hard. We know you can’t just stop everything because your car is in the shop!

Tommy’s European Auto Repair in Plano provides FREE loaner cars on qualifying repairs so that you can still get around Dallas, get to work, and drop the kids off at their activities without any hassle. If you need to get your car fixed and want a free loaner car while it’s in our shop, give us a call today at (972) 422-7780.


The people at Tommy’s are like you – busy! We understand how difficult it can be to be without your car. In fact, our owner, Michael Rosenberger, runs multiple auto repair shops, has three small children and a wife, loves giving back to the community, and even helps other auto shop owners all over the country by coaching them on how to better serve their customers, employees, and communities with great auto repair…

But all that leaves very little time for him to be without a vehicle!  We bet you’re busy juggling a bunch of responsibilities, too, right? If so, we’re here to serve you. Give us a call at (972) 422-7780 and let us know you’d like to schedule an appointment and get a free loaner car. We have a limited number of free loaner cars, so please call to schedule ahead of time.